Saturday, September 12, 2015

Where we went over budget (or at least how it looks that way)

These are the categories where we "went over" budget this week and why:
1.  Dream home- this line is sort of a bonus line, which is why I have nothing budgeted for it- I am literally pinching pennies to put money in this account right now, so the grand total for this week is 70c.  Big bucks, I know, but I am a firm believer that every penny counts.  I started a separate savings account for this line in July (I will post more of an explanation of my plethora of savings accounts next week), and from pinching pennies, it has around $30 in it, which makes me happy, because it could have been nothing if I hadn't pinched pennies.
2.  Water and trash- this bill only comes on odd months, so next month will be zero.  It evens out.
3.  Personal, kids- I paid for a field trip for my 9 year old.
4.  Work- my husband travels a lot.  He pays for his expenses with our credit card and gets reimbursed, so this amount will go back down when he gets the reimbursement in his paycheck.

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