Saturday, September 5, 2015

A little explanation of what you see

So, I have our budget organized somewhat following Dave Ramsey's guidelines, so those are the percentages you see in each category heading- they're his guidelines of what you should be spending in each category as a percentage of your net income.
You will notice that some line items in my budget are ridiculously low ($15.08 for Christmas, are you kidding me?) but some of my line items are what I consider "discretionary items" and they are as follows:
household improvement/ repair
car repair, maintain, and replace
all of the "personal" categories, except pets
The way I handle these line items is with the money my husband earns when he does work more than 40 hours per week, which can really add up.
We also finance Christmas heavily with the rewards points we receive from our credit card.
A large gap you will also find in our budget is a mortgage or rent.  We managed, with divine help I am sure, to pay off our mortgage this February, and all the money we were putting towards that is now being directed to my husband's student loans, which have a higher interest rate than mine, so we're working on his first.
Please feel free to ask any questions, or let me know if there's anything more you'd like to see.  I plan on posting weekly updates to our budget and answering any questions, and I also welcome suggestions or tips.

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