Thursday, March 2, 2017

A few notes, February's challenge results, and March's challenge

You may have noticed we went a ridiculous amount over in February.  We used part of our tax refund to pay off my student loans, so it's not nearly as bad as it looks- in fact, it looks good!  Now we only have one more loan to pay before we will be completely debt free.  It's still a long road, though...

February's challenge went pretty well, considering we only fueled up once the whole month!  We really didn't go anywhere outside our normal range, and my husband traveled a lot for work (using his work vehicle), so the resulting savings were $49.83!  I would say that's mostly just luck, though, not through any special effort.

March's challenge will be for groceries!  This is really a good one for me, because sometimes I lose track of what food we've bought, and some of it goes bad before we eat it.  I'll try to do better at that this month!

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