Thursday, January 12, 2017

Where we went over budget

Car repair- ouch!  Thank goodness, once again, for our generous Secret Santas for putting us ahead money-wise.  We are about $300ish short of being able to cover the entire bill in our immediate reserve, but I am confident we will have our longer term reserve replenished before we need it, so I drew the money from there (long term being the money we set aside for once- a- year or less expenses).  If that turns out to not be true, we will take from our emergency fund when the time comes for those other bills to be due.  This is what I would consider to be an emergency, which is what that emergency fund is for, as this was a repair that we were not expecting and did not even realize needed to be done until we had our van in for state inspection, at which time we had to get it done or deal with having only one usable vehicle.  After a week of having only one usable vehicle, I'm willing to pay for the repair!

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