Thursday, August 3, 2017

July's challenge results and August's challenge

Haha- vacation will blow your gas budget out of the water.  Technically, we didn't spend more than we had because we were under budget the previous months- I base our gas budget on the yearly average for the mileage we put on our vehicles, so the vacation is sort of built into the budget.  As a matter of fact, we still have $292.08 left in our gas category in the savings account.  I'm leaving it there because we will be traveling to Florida next year for vacation, and that will be more of a hike than we usually take for vacation, so I'll leave the money in there to pad the trip.
We probably could have done better with gas this month, though.  We didn't plan ahead very well when we had to put our van in the shop, and really made more trips than we could have if we had thought ahead a little more.
August's challenge is to save money on groceries!  We'll see how we do on this one- back-to-school time is always a little tricky, especially since my oldest is going to middle school this year, and needs a lot more supplies than in the past.  I've been trying to stock up on sales as the summer has gone on, and we plan on hitting the tax-free weekend on Saturday for the remainder of what they'll need.  Wish us luck!

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