This category is very much a catch- all sort of category. Each line has specific uses, though, and I will cover each.
Christmas: Everything Christmas related goes under here. Gifts, wrapping paper, shipping costs, Christmas cards, the tree, stocking stuffers, the list goes on. About the only thing I don't include is food, which falls under groceries. I do lay aside about a dollar every other paycheck throughout the year to cover the larger food expenses around every food- centric holiday, and I draw from it as necessary, but when I spend it, it always gets recorded under the grocery category.
Gifts: This covers family birthday gifts, shower gifts, etc. We tend to spend more on the kids than we do on ourselves, for sure.
Personal: anything that is just for one person in the family goes here- for me, it includes such things as a night out with friends, a haircut, etc. The kids fund mostly goes towards whatever sport or activity they are involved in, or lessons, or any school expenses like field trips. My husband tends to spend his on convenience store stops, though he is saving right now so we can see the new Star Wars movie when it comes out.
Pets: this is mostly for our dog (food, vet, supplies), but a little goes towards our fish too.
Work: anything my husband spends in relation to work goes here. He does get reimbursed for most of his expenses, but some things fall through the cracks (as in, he loses the receipt). As he spends the money, I move the money from this fund to checking, and as he gets reimbursed, it goes back in, so you'll see some pretty wild swings from month to month, especially if he's been traveling a lot.
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